Kelly DesLauriers
Office Manager
Iris Mongeau
Office Clerk
Anita Shepard

Rush County Appraiser
715 Elm
La Crosse, KS
Mailing Address:
Appraisers Office
PO Box 57
La Crosse, KS 67548
Phone: 785-222-2659
Fax: 785-222-3750
Monday – Friday
8:30 a.m. 5:00 p.m.

County Appraiser
The County Appraiser is an appointed position with the responsibility to discover, list, appraise and maintain records of data relating to all taxable and exempt real and personal property within Rush County.
The County Appraiser, with the assistance of staff members, is responsible for the discovery, listing and the uniform and equitable appraisal of all taxable and exempt real and personal property in compliance with the constitution and statues of the State of Kansas for tax purposes. Real property and personal property is appraised as of January 1st. Market value is the basis of value for most real property except agricultural land. Agricultural land is appraised on the basis of its productivity and a formula determined by the Kansas Constitution, statues and state guidelines. Most personal property (except business machinery and equipment, RV’s and etc.) is also appraised at market value.
The Rush County Appraiser’s Office is mandated by K.S.A. 79-1476 to reinspect all real property in Rush County every 6 years. The purpose of this inspection is to verify that our data is current and represents the property accurately. The Appraiser’s Office physically inspects approximately 17% of the real property located in Rush County each year.
The County Appraiser’s Office will mail out personal property renditions on the first week of January to individuals and businesses. The rendition forms, which are used to value taxable personal property, provide the county a listing of tangible personal property.
Property owners are required by Kansas law to fill out the rendition forms, sign and return them to the Appraiser’s Office by March 15th to avoid late filing penalties. Even if there are no changes to your personal property rendition, you still need to sign and return to the Appraiser’s Office. Oil and Gas renditions will also be mailed out the same week; these documents are to be returned to the office by April 1st to avoid penalties.
If you do not receive your rendition in the mail or have questions, please contact our office at 785-222-2659 or come to the Appraisers Office to sign your form.