IT Support Services

Building Sanction

There is no need for matters that are not explained in the zoning plans and are not included in this regulation. And at the discretion of the form to be applied according to the needs and the character of the neighborhood, the relevant district and the first level
municipalities are authorized. The municipality is obliged to comply with and implement the provisions on the disabled in the legislation and standards. In addition, the municipality is authorized to take the necessary measures for the disabled in matters that are not included in the legislation and standards, taking into account the conditions of the region.


All of the structures started without a license or constructed in violation of the license and its annexes shall be stopped immediately by sealing. The seal to be placed in any visible part of the building covers the entire construction. Construction status at the time of stopping; It is determined by the municipality by issuing a report based on a video, camera, measurement sketch or dimensional sketch, if any. In the construction holiday report prepared by the administration, the violations of the license should be determined in concrete and detailed manner.


We provide accurate, reliable and ethical services with our expert staff. We apply the fastest and most reliable methods for your brand.


Our long-term work continues until the job is finished. We establish solid and long-term relationships with all the companies we work with.